Sunday, August 24, 2008

Affiliate Marketing Strategies - Hitting The Nail On The Head

I have a very good friend who is an excellent carpenter. He has been at it for close to 30 years and when it comes to hitting the nail on the head, he knows how to get the job done.

Just like carpentry, successful affiliate marketing depends on using the right tools for the job. In addition to using the right tools, there are strategies and techniques involved that can drastically reduce the time spent on getting the job done.

Drive A Nail In 5 Hits or 10

If you've ever watched a skilled carpenter at work, when it comes to putting up wood framing, they can drive a nail in just a couple of hits or even better knock out the job with a nail gun.

If you're looking for profitable keywords, you can do this manually or you can use a tool like Keyword Elite, Adwords Analyzer or the ever popular Wordtracker. If you're just getting started there is certainly nothing wrong with using free keyword tools, but if you want to see results fast, than you might want to think about using some power tools.

In order to get the most out of the tools you will use, you have to take a moment to learn how to use them. Just like the carpenter that invests time learning how to use his tools effectively and safely, so the same goes for the affiliate marketer.

It's very easy to go ahead and start putting your new tools to use, but if you never learn how to use them properly, you'll be limiting your effectiveness and increasing your frustration.

Picking the wrong keywords to build a campaign around is like hitting your thumb with a hammer. It hurts like hell and it can really make you mad. Avoid that by taking the time to learn how to get the maximum use out of your tools.

Hit The Nail

Don't get stuck in learning mode. Read the instructions, watch the video, go to work.
No amount of learning will compensate for any lack of action on your part.

Dozens of affiliates come and go because of this fundamental truth. You have to take action and keep taking action until you achieve the desired result. If you don't learn that now, you will learn it a thousand dollars from now.

Once you've got the technique, grab that hammer and start banging. After awhile you'll begin to get the hang of the technique and you will own it. Once you own it you'll know how to tweak it to squeeze more profit from it.

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