Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Doing Business Online - Why You're Not In Business Without A List

List building is crucial to being able to put your business on autopilot. Without a list you are constantly on the move looking for ways to keep the money coming in.

Many affiliates make an effort to bypass this crucial business building step, focusing solely on the immediate benefits of on the spot sales.

While that in itself is not inherently bad, the problem lies in always having to work to bring in income. The beauty of building a list of loyal subscribers is that they can help you leverage your existing traffic.

By utilizing an autoresponder to send out prewritten messages and promotions, you are giving yourself an opportunity to take a break and enjoy life for a moment.

Having a prewritten campaign setup and loaded with quality content can go along way in building relationships and developing trust with your clients. As a result you can offer backend promotions as well cross promote with other list owners to further grow your list.

There are many successful affiliates who have amassed small fortunes without building a list, initially. However many of those same marketers are building loyal subscriber lists now so as to put their business on autopilot.

Picture this. No matter what time of the day or night it is, no matter what part of the world your in, someone somewhere is involved in the sales funnel you created by means of your autoresponder and despite your absence from the transaction, you are getting paid.

Start building your list today.

Check out an incredible system that can help you develop a massive list fast at:

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