Saturday, June 28, 2008

Can Someone Show Me How To Earn Affiliate Cash Please?

"If someone would just come clean and show me exactly how to earn some good affiliate cash, I know I would be successful". Wow! wouldn't it be great if that happened? You're more than willing to do what you have to do if someone just spelled it out for you.

There are so many good looking opportunities out there, but once you look behind the curtain, there's nobody home. Depressing isn't it? Not to mention frustrating and definitely irritating. Been there, done that, and I'm selling the T-shirts out the trunk of my car, want one?

The truth is this, we can point the finger at every opportunity and say they didn't do this or they didn't do that, but for every finger we point there are always three pointing right back, so what did we do or not do?

You've heard over and over again about the power of article marketing and probably read many success stories about people who built their business solely with this tactic, so what happened to you?

How many articles did you write? You did write some articles, didn't you? If you did write them, how often did you do it?

O.k. so you wrote a few articles or maybe alot of articles and you still didn't earn the affiliate cash you were expecting, now what?

Did you ever stop to consider what the problem with the articles could've been?
Too long? Too short? Was the content provided related to the product you offered or the problem that needed to be solved? Did you do any keyword research?

The purpose of this post is not to rag on you, but to get you thinking about how can earn some real affiliate cash if you take a moment to test and tweak along the way during your campaign. Don't kill yourself blindly running in one direction without looking at where you're going, cause all you're going to do is waste your own time.

Your time is valuable so be as effective as you can with it and the results you're looking for are far more likely to show up. There are tons of ebooks and reports that can tell you how to write effective articles and then market them effectively. There is even a program available that can show you how to do this for maximum benefit if you're open to it.

If You've tried everything and nothing worked out like you planned, it's because you can't succeed without the Secrets that Earn Affiliate Cash If you never learn, you'll never earn.

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