Tuesday, July 1, 2008

5 Quick Tips To Make Your Email Marketing Work


If the money is "in the list", how do we get the money out? Having money in the bank is great and all, but if we can't get the money out, then what good is it?

Here are 5 quick tips to help us make those cash withdrawals when we need to:

1) Write To Your Best Friend - When you're writing to someone you don't know, trying to figure out what to write can be a pain in the rear axle. Write like you're sharing something exciting with your best friend. Put a picture in front of you and write. You're message will come across like someone who values your customers relationship. This is a great way to build a relationship with your list.

2) Space Your Messages Accordingly - Even our best friends can irritate us with incessant talking. Give your readers a chance to digest your message and develop an appetite for your information. Remember the t.v. show "cliffhangers?" Not a bad strategy for building anticipation for your next message.

3) Share Useful Content - Despite the relatively short window of attention you're working with, provide useful tips that can put to use right away to increase profitability. Show your readers how to make more money and they will be looking for ward to your next message.

4) Check Your Spam Rating - A good autoresponder will have a spam check feature that will allow you to make sure your useful content makes it pass the spam filters to your reader.

5) Ask For Feedback and Suggestions - A great way to cater to your list is to ask them what they want or need to know and give it to them. The value of your communication with your customers will translate into a very profitable and enduring online business.

These 5 quick tips can explode the profitability of your online marketing efforts but...

If You've tried everything and nothing's worked yet, it's because you can't succeed without the Secrets that Earn Affiliate Cash If you never learn, you'll never earn.

8 Useful Tips For Building A Website That Sells


Having a snazzy looking website is great especially when you get compliments from friends and family. The question you gotta ask yourself though is are they buying?

While content is indeed king, putting the time or money into building a website is no little thing and so naturally we're interested in the main objective of putting it their in the first place. To make money.

Below are 8 useful tips in no special order that can make for a profitable website.

1) Your Headline - When a visitor clicks over to your site, the headline should grab their attention. It can be a stated benefit, a product, a phrase or a compelling offer but most importantly it should be visible. If flashy graphics obscure your message your visitor will click away.

2) Write Your Own Copy - You can hire someone to write your web copy for you, but they will never be able to capture your natural enthusiasm or personality better than you. You can get ideas of how to do this from your email inbox, many good ideas are awaiting your personal touch that can help you develop a unique and powerful message.

3) Videos - Nowadays with information coming at us faster than we can handle it, the attention span of your average surfer is very short. Videos can increase our chances of capturing our visitors attention and closing a sale.

4) Promote One Product - People today have very little time to think let alone make a choice. By catering to that fact our site should highlight one opportunity, product or service giving them one clear choice. If your site promotes more than one opportunity, put it on a separate page giving your visitor a chance to focus and a sale a chance to happen.

5) Content - Provide information that's relevant to the theme of your site and optimize your content with keywords that will make the search engines give you the visibility you need in order to serve your visitors.

6) Build Your List - Your website should provide landing pages that effectively sort qualified prospects for your products and services. Your website should be more than just a digital poster.

7) Layout - While having a visually astounding and awe inspiring media experience may be momentarily exciting, the old saying less is more is definitely to be considered.
For one thing, many flash graphics load slowly and your prospective customer should not be given a reason to leave before they've seen your offer. Secondly, a clean cut, clear message or delivery of information is what your prospect is searching for to begin with. Let's give it to 'em.

8) Advertise Your List - Place your opt-in box where the reader will already be looking. Off to the right or the left is o.k., but why not place it in the line of sight so they can take advantage of your offer?

There are plenty more tips where that came from, but I want you to read the resource box. Here it is:

If you've tried everything and nothing's worked yet, it's because you can't succeed without the Secrets that Earn Affiliate Cash If you never learn, you'll never earn.